Saturday, July 28, 2007

All quiet ....

It is quiet on the China adoption homefront. Always rumors but this is where the speculation is highest.

I was in a children's store this week and saw a lady with a little dark haired girl. I got bold and asked the lady how old her daughter was? She thought I was asking for the size of clothes. I mentioned these were for someone else and threw in the word "LID" to show a connection. Her daughter is no more than 3 yrs from Indonesia. Very cute. She had to go to the orphange 3 times and had to leave the country each time. She was able to stay in Russia for 2 months with her son.

Everyone has a story. Each adoption is unique in its own way.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still waiting

Still waiting in line... I was disappointed to see from my agency that only 19 children were referred in the last batch from Nov. 7 -14th.

But I did get to see a real referral from a real couple this past weekend. She was lovely. I choked up too. I couldn't help but feel like there will be a day for us too. They waited for 20 months.
So I will just stay in my place in line-

I am enjoying meeting the people around our LID. Some people are going for their first adoption, some this is their second! I cannot imagine doing this again.

I do appreciate the strong support group- especially from those that have done this before. Each person has a unique perspective on this process.

Actually this picture is misleading since most people can SEE the end...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Riding Tandem

Congratulations & warm wishes to those that have received referrals this week. Good luck packing and travel.
I am inspired to write that we will get there too.

My post is that we are on a tandem ride. To just say that "the adoption journey is quite the experience" - is an understatement. The waiting process is long and getting longer. Some days you hear good news - other days not so good and most of the time - you hear nothing...

Sometimes I need to find someone else to pedal on this bike for a while. I read others blogs, find adoption stories or see a video that offers some peace and hope. Other times we are working together- sharing ideas and dreams. Today, I checked out all the new referrals on RQ and I feel like pedaling. So sit back if you need- I've got today covered.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Adoption Update

The latest information is that the next set of referrals are in the mail. The LID that are to be matched are from Nov. 7 - 14th 2005. It seems small but Nov has a large group of people with LID. March 2006 will be large too but hopefully we will see some previous trends in double digit matching soon.

There are 319 more LIDs before us to go. This number came by taking the number of days ahead of our LID 9-29-07 and adding them together:
16 (Nov 2005)+
31 (Dec 2005)+
31 (Jan 2006)+
28 (Feb 2006)+
31 (March 2006)+
30 (April 2006)+
31 (May 2006)+
30 (June 2006)+
31 (July 2006)+
31 (Aug 2006)+
29 (Sept. 2006)
319 Days

This number represents all days - there are days included that don't have any LIDs due to holiday or weekend. So we (in the adoption community) hope for a larger span of LID to move us closer to our referral. It is like standing in line.

CCAA (the government agency that has the paperwork) has finished with May 2006 LIDs in the review room. The review room is another double check for making sure all the paperwork is in order and clear for the match room. If there is a problem your adoption agency will be notified and help you correct, clarify or update. Getting out of the review room is a big step in the waiting process- it kind of let you know that that your file was handled and read in China.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Not really an update but...

"When you want to believe in something, you also have to believe in everything that's necessary for believing in it."
~ Ugo Betti

Nothing new on the latest adoption scene- they are getting close to another set of referrals and a TA group. Best wishes & prayers for those so close- I enjoy seeing all the referral pictures. Somehow it makes it more real.