Friday, June 29, 2007


9- It has been nine months- LID anniversary.Here are some facts about the number nine. Some good, some well not helpful in the wait…

= 3 x 3
A square.

There are nine major planets in the solar system, Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, and a cat is said to have nine lives.

A polygon with nine angles and nine sides is called a nonagon.

In Chinese the word for the number nine is jiu. In French the word neuf means both nine and new. In German, the words for nine and new are neun and neu, and in Spanish, nueve and nuevo.

As you count and reach nine, you know you are about to make a new start.

Rounders and baseball are all played with teams of nine players.

A game of squash is won by scoring nine points.

Golf courses often have nine holes.

The expression to the nines means to the highest degree.

The game of skittles or ninepin bowling is many hundreds of years old. The pins are set up in a diamond formation and players throw the ball (or `cheese') at them. In the nineteenth century some American states passed laws banning the game because bets were often placed on it. But these laws were evaded by the simple ruse of adding a tenth pin. As a result tenpin bowling is now the far more popular game.

On cloud nine means happy, euphoric or `high'. The phrase came into use in the 1950s from a term used by the US Weather Bureau. For the meteorologists Cloud Nine is cumulo-nimbus cloud at a height of 10 km, which is high even by the standard of clouds.

Only about one ninth of the mass of an iceberg is visible above the water. Nearly all its bulk remains hidden beneath the surface.
The 9 of diamonds - the playing card - is sometimes called the Curse of Scotland.

Redivider with nine letters is the longest palindromic word in the English language. A palindromic word has the same sequence of letters backwards or forwards.

A nine days' wonder is something that creates a short-lived sensation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 9 months. You are doing a splendid job!