Friday, June 29, 2007


9- It has been nine months- LID anniversary.Here are some facts about the number nine. Some good, some well not helpful in the wait…

= 3 x 3
A square.

There are nine major planets in the solar system, Beethoven wrote nine symphonies, and a cat is said to have nine lives.

A polygon with nine angles and nine sides is called a nonagon.

In Chinese the word for the number nine is jiu. In French the word neuf means both nine and new. In German, the words for nine and new are neun and neu, and in Spanish, nueve and nuevo.

As you count and reach nine, you know you are about to make a new start.

Rounders and baseball are all played with teams of nine players.

A game of squash is won by scoring nine points.

Golf courses often have nine holes.

The expression to the nines means to the highest degree.

The game of skittles or ninepin bowling is many hundreds of years old. The pins are set up in a diamond formation and players throw the ball (or `cheese') at them. In the nineteenth century some American states passed laws banning the game because bets were often placed on it. But these laws were evaded by the simple ruse of adding a tenth pin. As a result tenpin bowling is now the far more popular game.

On cloud nine means happy, euphoric or `high'. The phrase came into use in the 1950s from a term used by the US Weather Bureau. For the meteorologists Cloud Nine is cumulo-nimbus cloud at a height of 10 km, which is high even by the standard of clouds.

Only about one ninth of the mass of an iceberg is visible above the water. Nearly all its bulk remains hidden beneath the surface.
The 9 of diamonds - the playing card - is sometimes called the Curse of Scotland.

Redivider with nine letters is the longest palindromic word in the English language. A palindromic word has the same sequence of letters backwards or forwards.

A nine days' wonder is something that creates a short-lived sensation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I like reading about others dreams, although I believe no one can completely interpret the dream but the person who experienced it.

I apologize for lack of details but this is what stayed in memory.

I did have a dream as the sun was rising about being at an adoption center- looked like a day care. I was hugged by a little girl - two/three years. She had black hair shoulder length hair and was named Katie Maggie. She never talked & I only talked with a childcare provider. Katie Maggie as a name wouldn't work since those are the names of my best friend's girls. But if we use the K & M we could name her KIM.
Then she seemed to dissolve into two children - one boy & one girl. Close in age but I thought this would be OK too. Like twins- I can handle it. Then I was getting around to go and had to find the two little boys Matt & Carlos that I was taking home. One was in a wheelchair. Again the thought two is OK.

So what does it mean?
We don't have a name for our daughter- no rush - it keeps changing. We have a top three list and Kimberly is one of them.
Matt & Carlos doesn't mean anything to me.

The child is older than 12 months and she walked toward me. I am not expecting my daughter to be able to walk yet.

Then the two children. One boy & one girl. It won't happen since we have only asked for one little girl.

The two boys at the end is really odd. First we are on a non special needs list (NSN), so why the wheelchair? Two boys and no girl is not what we are planning. We are going through process for the girl.

When I look back on this- the wheelchair wasn't the focus or the gender to me at the time. I was alone without my husband at an adoption center. No paperwork. No stress in any of it. The dream probably only lasted less than 10 minutes when you think about it.

Lately I am seeking what God has planned for me & my family. I second guess myself often so if I was getting a message it is hard to filter through all the other garbage floating around in my head.
"Two is OK" was what I sensed. Does that mean that don't wait for the third child? Or two is OK right NOW - be patient with the two you have.

Unfortunately the sense of peace while sleeping doesn't carry over into the day. Ideas?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Treasure Chest

One of my special memories is playing in my mother's jewelry box. My sister & I use to put on the costume necklaces and bracelets. There were favorite pieces and ones we would barter for because they sparkled the most. None of her "expensive" jewelry was in there but there was lots to play with. It was a favorite past time to be princesses all dressed up for the ball.

I am trying to build up a "costume" jewelry box for my daughter. Hopefully she'll let me play too. I go to the sale racks in stores looking for sparkly jewelry. I saw some big glittery rings today but they need to go down a little more in price. They would make a beautiful story about the ring with powers.

Also, it isn't easy to find the right jewelry box. I am looking for something particular. Not trendy or too fancy but a wooden box. I am going to go to some garage sales and maybe some antique stores. It is my quest for the perfect treasure chest.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chinese Ducks

Thank you to my secret pal for these very cute rubber ducks. They go with the bath towel set very well. These arrived a month ago and I was trying to translate them before posting. But I need help translating the symbols. I believe they are the traditional style characters not simplified. I also think the back left one is happiness. If anyone wants to practice their Chinese symbol skills, please share! Thank you again secret pal - you are very creative!

Monday, June 11, 2007


I am restructuring the blog - because I can! I have linked to a new blog just for the 100 Good Wishes quilt. So far I have one...only 99 more to go! Note the ticker at the top of the blog.

Second- I have also designed Cranium Cafe- aren't I such a geek? Well, this is for my ramblings. You know that movie with Mel Gibson - All Women Want- where he can hear into women's heads? My dH thinks that would be his personal nightmare to get into my head! It never stops - sooooo I am just calling my new blog a rambling - maybe a thought provoking place for those that I know want to "think" with me.
These can be accessed by the extensions on the right.

This blog will always be open for adoption news and general info.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


It's official - I am on summer break! It has been a really tough last two months with so much going on but I am looking forward to some R & R. I am working on my summer list of things to do with the boys. Stay tune for additions to this blog.

Also - Congrats to those that received their children matches this week! CCAA has matched children with those people with LID up through Nov. 7th. I went to some of the sites with the pictures posted- they are adorable and I get all choked up looking at them and hoping for our day. These families have waited about 19 months. It is predicted our wait will be longer. They have finished reviewing paperwork for March 2006 people.
My son & I did our best case scenario- of being matched in Nov 2008, possible scenario - March 2009 and worst case scenario of being matched Feb. 2010. Again, many factors are involved and change (see post - Factors for & Against)
Keep the prayers coming!