Saturday, September 19, 2009

Round 3 of paperwork

Our paperwork for the US gov is off again with another check! Our paperwork is good each time for 18 months. Obviously, when we started this, 18 months was the wait time. Three times we are filing out the same forms- changing very little only our ages!
I was hesitating this time around b/c I am not bringing in a salary right now. I had already started the homestudy re-write in June, so some money was already spent. I guess I had to continue and hope for the best.
Once we get our paperwork update - it will be good for another 18 months. Then we will be grandfathered (no, not grandparents YET) and ask for another free extension for another 18 months. After that, it will be really hard to renew again.
We can't help that our original adoption family plan has changed and we will be 3 years older at that point.